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“A+” is granted to Shagang Group, as an extremely competitive steel enterprise in China

“A+” is granted to Shagang Group, as an extremely competitive steel enterprise in China, in the annual comprehensive competitiveness report of Chinese steel enterprises 2016, which is publicized by The Planning and Research Institute for Metallurgical Industry recently.

Based on the competitiveness ranking lists of Chinese steel makers in past years, The Planning and Research Institute for Metallurgical Industry implemented a competitiveness rating campaign this year, which covers the most of the key mills subject to provide statistic information to the authorities and some other mills.  111steel businesses are included in this competitiveness rating campaign,  in which “A+”—extremely competitive, is granted to 6 mills,  “A”very competitive, is granted to 16 mills, “B+”moderate competitive, is granted to 31 mills and other 20 mills are granted as “B”relatively competitive. The total crude steel throughput of these 73 steel mills is about 580 million ton, which covers about 72% of the total domestic steel production and 86% of the total throughput of the mills included in this rating campaign.

As been informed, this competitiveness rating campaign is based on 3 major criterions which are framing the competition ability of the business: the fundamental ability; ability of development and operational performance. The fundamental competition ability is related mainly to the material base of the steel makers, i.e. means of production, tools, process equipment, production capacity and supply of resources. The utilization rate of the production capacity and the degree of using intelligent means are also considered.  The ability of development concerns mainly the human resources of the mill, input in technical innovation, energy and environment conservation, customer service and logistic efficiency, etc.  Under the term of operational performance it is to be understood that the ability of competition is to be verified with the figures, like: total profit of the business, taxes paid to the authorities, profit rate, debt ratio, as well as rate of liquidity and quick-action ratio.