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The list of top 50 steel enterprises globally in 2016 was announced, in which Shagang Group ranks 6st

The other day World Steel Association released not only statistic data of global steel in 2017,which ranks global steel enterprises according to crude steel output in 2016,but also the list of top 50 steel enterprises globally, in which Shagang Group ranks 6st with 33.25 million tons of crude steel output while Baowu, Hegang, Angang and Shougang rank 2st,3st,7st and 9st respectively.

It is known that World Steel Association is one of the largest and most active industry organizations in the world, the members of which cover more than 170 steel producers(including 9 of 10 largest steel enterprises globally),national and regional steel institutes and steel research institutions. The crude steel output of members accounts for 85% of global crude steel output. Among top 10,there are 5 enterprises coming from China and 2 coming from Japan. The rest 3 are ArcelorMittal (ranking 1st),Pohang (ranking 5st) and Tata Steel (ranking 10st).